AIRSOFT: Take a hit and the only thing that will hurt is your pride.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Shall Return

The question I left hanging after my very first AS game at the House of Representative was whether I am going to return for another game there or that would be it with team HORAC?

Of course, the answer was an obvious "yes, I shall return" - an answer I formulated even before the question to go back was even raised.

On my second visit to the HOR, I tagged along with the boys of DMC (aka "the cross-stitch boys) - Eric, Loloy, Janno, my brother Dhudz, Melvin and Arvin. We were then grouped with another guest team, the team from Montalban, team BANAT. Our combined forces has proven lethal to team HORAC which resulted in a total run down of the their squad in an end game scenario. It was fun though!

With that it is just rightful to say "I shall return" or I guess more proper would be, "we shall return".

Photos courtesy of Sir Storm (HORAC)

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